Exclusive feature: Patented Formula
An exclusive innovation: Unique blend of agave nectar, Accacia prebiotic fibres, hydroglycerine plant extracts, vitamins and minerals.

The agave syrup is part of all PEDIAKID® syrup formula. Made in Mexico, it is composed of natural unrefined sugar, making it sweeter and thinner than honey. For specific nutritional qualities.

Syrup dietary supplement made with echinacea extracts, ginseng, wild rose berries, acerola, rosehip, Broccoli; vitamin C, manganese and copper.

PEDIAKID ® Immuno-Fort combines extracts of natural active ingredients to sustain organism resistance. This syrup is ideal during seasonal changes and repeated cool down periods, PEDIAKID® Immuno-Fort is rich in copper and vitamin C which participate to the immune function. It contains as well echinacea, ginseng, wild rose berry which participates in the natural defence organism.

Blackcurrant Flavour - gluten-free, allergen-free, GMO-free. 

Do not contain preservatives, artificial colorants or flavours. 

125 ml bottle or 250 ml family size.

Did you know?

Children natural defences can get weak due to several factors:

> Their intestinal flora is still immature even though it hosts 50% of the organism defences potential.
> An unbalanced diet, poor in fruits and vegetables intakes, and therefore in substances of interests such as minerals and vitamins, too rich in sugar…
> Poor hygiene (washing hands, airways, brushing teeth…)
> Disturbed intestinal flora: repeated antibiotic treatments
> Life in community more and more early on, lack of sleep, scholar fatigue, pollution…


This drop in immune defences leads to:

Repeated issues in the ENT spectrum: (cold, winter sickness)

Children under the age of 2 years old get between 6 to 10 times the cold per year*.

Bronchiolitis affects every year about 30% of offspring under 24 months old*.

Children get the flu on average every two years*.


Recurring intestinal infections

Gastroenteritis affects children under the age of 8 years old about 3 times a year*

* More than 90% of gastroenteritis are viral.

*source: INVS


Immuno-fort, a synergy of naturally sourced actives 

All PEDIAKID® syrup formula contain agave nectar and acacia prebiotic fibres to which are added hydro glycerine plants extracts, vitamins, and specific minerals according to the product.


Which hydroglycerine plants extracts are used for the Immuno-Fort?

Acerola and rosehip: Rich in vitamin C, they help delay signs of fatigue, boost physical and intellectual dynamism and fight against external aggressions.

Propolis: True ally against the cold.

Echinacea: Its anti-viral and immune-fortifying properties makes it particularly useful during seasonal change.

Broccoli: It has protective and anti-oxidant properties

Ginseng panax meyer: Its toning, revitalising and fortifying properties are recommended against winter sickness

Natural blackcurrant concentrate: antioxidant, helps winter sickness.


Which vitamins and minerals are contained in Immuno-Fort

> Vitamin C: This vitamin is essential to boost and stimulate natural defences. It contributes to a better absorption of iron and calcium.

> Copper: Recommended oligo-element to help get rid of winter sicknesses.

> Manganese: Tonifies the organism

Supplement Facts:

4 teaspoons (20 ml)
Fibregum™ Accacia prebiotic fibres 3,6 g
Acerola extract (Malpighia punicifolia)  305 mg
Broccoli extract (Brassica oleracea)  305 mg
Echinacea extract (Echinacea purpurea) 305 mg
Ginseng extract  (Panax ginseng) 305 mg
Rose Hip extract  (Rosa canina)  305 mg
Propolis extract 305 mg
Vitamin C 24 mg (30% DV)
Copper 0,30 mg (30% DV)
Manganese 0,30 mg (15% DV)

DV : Daily Value

Ingredients: Agave syrup 40%, purified water, Fibregum™ prebiotic acacia fibres 15%, hydroglycerine extract of plants and Propolis 7.5% (water, vegetable glycerin, Acerola, Broccoli, Echinacea, Ginseng, Rose Hips and Propolis), vitamin and mineral complex: Vitamin C, Manganese gluconate, Copper gluconate; natural flavors, natural blueberry concentrate, natural lemon concentrate.

Fibregum™ is a registered trademark of Nexira.

Gluten free - Allergen free - GMO free - No artificial flavors or colorants - No preservatives


Can be used starting at the first stage of weaning.

  • Before 5 years old: 1 teaspoon in the morning and at midday after meals.
  • After 5 years: 2 teaspoons in the morning and at midday after meals.

1 to 2 months treatment. Suitable adults ages 15+.

Warning: Keep out of reach of children. Protected from heat and moisture. To be used as part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to not exceed the recommended dose. This product is not recommended for people sufering from hypothyroidism or thyroid treatment, consult your doctor before use. Best used before the expiration date on the package. To be stored in a refrigerator and used within 30 days of the 1st openning .